디자인&기획. 홍디자인 (김현경, 권택수, 박고은, 임소영)
CJ그룹의 전계열사 사업군을 소개하는 통합 브로슈어.
Goeun Park
Research works
▶︎ MA Information Design 졸업 프로젝트 ‘A Scenery Erased from Memory’, graduate exhibition (2020)
▶︎A Map of Erased Korean Modern Architecture, website (2020)
▶︎ Thesis 논문 ‘Erased Korean Modern Architecture’, book (2020)
▶︎ 한국타이포그라피학회 전시 ‘만질 수 없는 세계의 무게 법칙’ (2020)
▶︎ (Re)Publish a story that someone wrote, website (2019)
▶︎ Earth Observer Sentinel-3, book and video (2019)
▶︎ A Guide for Momentary Lines, installation and prints (2019)
▶︎ The Contours of Prohibited Identity, booklet and posters (2018)
▶︎ A Flow map of Korean Ginseng, prints (2018)
Client works